Par Puppies Goes Public!
Super excited to finally have a fully designed website and happily invite new and familiar faces into the sport of Disc Golf.

Who We Are
Par Puppies is a Disc Golf collective for anyone in or near the Metro Atlanta area who is either interested in playing Disc Golf or have already been around the block! This group is designed so that we can meet new people, play disc golf, and above all have a good time!
Why We Exist
My hope for this group is to bring people together who are both new to the sport and experienced golfers. From my experience, the Disc Golf community has been so encouraging, helpful, and inclusive. Regardless of your skill level, don't hesitate to reach out with questions about the game and try to involve others when possible!
Club Info
Click here to learn about our mission and vision and how to get more involved in the club.
Beginner's Guide
If you're new to Disc Golf and want to understand what it's all about, click here!
Local Courses
In the Atlanta area? Check out some of the local courses and read my personal reviews of them.
Support Us
If you'd like to support the club with a charitable donation, you can do so in a few different ways.

Stay Connected
Get notified about everything happening in the club! You will receive weekly texts and a monthly newsletter.